Silicon Spectrum, Inc.

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Use this area for secondary navigation like the Services or Setup sections, or highlight important content here.

Add Important information in this location!



This professional website has room to move, both literally and figuratively. Characterized by fluid layout that stretches or shrinks the content based on any browser size. It also contains a core navigation scheme, with the flexible leftnav to accommodate either section specific navigation or content highlights. Make sure to check out the setup instructions.

Stunning Graphics
Included with this template are at least eight graphics that will help "conceptualize" your websites message. The main graphic element in the upper right corner of each page has a beautiful curve that duplicated or customized to your site's style.
Other graphics to note are the left nav curve and gradient, page title graphic, and the dotted grid header background.

Uses of FrontPage Include Files to control the navigation. The use of Include files allows for greater design flexibility. There are 4 levels of navigation (core, main, footer, and setup.) You can add as many secondary navigation files as your need. All of the navigation files are located in the Includes folder. Find out how to modify the navigation.

CSS used throughout to employ varying link styles and rollovers to help users navigation effectively. Easily modify the main.css file to make site wide changes.

Tested in IE 5.5, Netscape 4.08 and Netscape 6.2.


Highlight Content
You can highlight content in this area.

Highlight Content of Include File

You could easily add an include file into this area to add the same content throughout the site. 

Highlight Content
You can highlight content in this area.